This project has just gone online, you can have a look over here.
Because of the amount of photos, I decided to use the LightSource controls to enable picture viewing. It worked out nicely, and you can scroll between related photos, using the mouse (hover over the top right and left of photos for the link to appear) or the arrow keys, to get back to the thumbnail view, you can just press “X” or “Esc” on the keyboard.
There are some outstanding sections on the site currently, but these will be there soon.
Thank you Barend from CustomWare for your great dedication shown in the designing of my website – flowers your way – from start to finish!
From the homepage through to the last page your truly managed to communicate the right "feel" for my site.You sorted all the informtion very neatly and made it a user friendly,professional site!
Loading numerous pictures on sites remains a challenge and you impressed me so much with how functional and well presented my individual portfolios are presented!
All in all you really amazed me and I will honestly personally encourage others to also make us of your fantastic technical knowledge and years of experience!
An absolute stunning website. Well done!