Make sure your hosting provider registers your domain in your name

We’ve been asked a number of times to help people who are experiencing bad service from their current hosting providers.

And a trend we’ve encountered is that a lot of providers will register the client’s domain in their own name.

This means that when you want to move your domain to another host, they could hold your domain for ransom, because legally it belongs to them. Continue reading “Make sure your hosting provider registers your domain in your name”

Tranquil Body Treats

Our latest project, an e-commerce WordPress site has just gone live.  We’re still refining a few of the minor details on the site, but already very proud of this one.  Our first WordPress theme was used here.

Go have a look

You may ask, why use WordPress (essentially a blogging engine), to do an e-commerce site.  The answer is simple, it was the most cost-effective solution for what our client is trying to achieve. Continue reading “Tranquil Body Treats”

Our contribution to charity

CustomWare is a proud sponsor of the Bathabile Charity.  We’ve just update their website, please go have a look.

If you want to know what you can contribute, please check the News section, they have a list of things at the end of the first story.  Also keep in mind that Bathabile helps people uplift themselves, no-one gets a free ride.  And none of the people running it get any of the money contributed, it all goes straight into the program.

Flowers Your Way Website

This project has just gone online, you can have a look over here.

Because of the amount of photos, I decided to use the LightSource controls to enable picture viewing.  It worked out nicely, and you can scroll between related photos, using the mouse (hover over the top right and left of photos for the link to appear) or the arrow keys, to get back to the thumbnail view, you can just press “X” or “Esc” on the keyboard.

There are some outstanding sections on the site currently, but these will be there soon.